Thursday, April 22, 2010

stevie knicks this gets me through my day

Do you always trust your first initial feeling
Special knowledge holds truth bears believing
I turned around
And the water was closing all around
Like a glove
Like the love that had finally, finally found me
Then I knew
In the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me thru the mountains
Thru the crystal-like clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet
To the sea

How the faces of love have changed turning
the pages
And I have changed oh, but remain
I turned around
And the water was closing all around
Like a glove
Like the love that had finally, finally found me
Then I knew
In the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me thru the mountains
Thru the crystal-like clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet
To the sea

I found a great military song!

I found this song called Minstrel Boy by Joe Stummner.If you would like to listen to it its the last song on my play list its A wonderful song for some odd reason it brought tears to my eyes, it swelled me with pride and joy,it brought back memories of my Marine and I, and made me think of all the men women and veterans that have protected us!THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I WISH THE BEST FOR EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU GOD BLESS STAY SAFE FROM A PROUD AND FOR EVER FAITHFUL U.S.M.C. BRIDE TO BE!


Well where should I start? Hmmmmm well how about here, dad fell down stairs is in a wheelchair foe 3 months! So this super daughter is at his house till Sunday! I cleaned and cleaned I mopped, swept, vacuumed, Windex everything, dusted, laundry,made lunch and dinner, washed cars, gave the animals a bath etc..... Friday I have to go set up for my American Cancer relay starts Saturday ends Sunday it's A 24hr relay my community and volunteers that have helped plan this for the whole year its finally here we cant wait! I will sure take pictures and post them!. Next my Marine is gone for one more week home for a couple of days then leaves for 2 and a half weeks, comes home for 9 days and I bet you can guess whats next... DEPLOYMENT...
and so not looking forward to it either. Our first deployment I am so nervous but so ready for this deployment to start so it can end and he can come home and we can finally get married! Oh I cant wait! If anyone has any ideas or can help me with wedding planning it will be much appreciated!