can you guess? We have maybe a little less than 2 and a half months
till the big man is home! AHHHHHHHHHHHH thank my lucky
stars! Another thing he is out of Pakistan and making memories elsewhere don't
no where yet but I am sure somewhere bitchin! I can't wait to
see all the nick nacks he got for me wohoooo!
I was laying in bed last night thinking about a lot last night!
Especially how I promised bear that if he tried avocado (he has had it before but grossed out)
I would try venison! (deer) I totally forgot about that until last night.
I jumped up in bed as my face started frowning and I almost gaged thinking
about what the hell I promised him. I right after got on my email and sent him one stating
I feel horrible that I promised to eat deer! I don't want to eat Bambi no no no!!!!!!NO! He then
came back with a joke saying then if you don't want to eat deer
we will just indulge in some BEAR... I got chills and said loudly *NOT COOL*
SO we will see what happens with that Ill be sure to take a picture of my face of what ever it

excuse the pictures there not that great I took while I was cleaning out the bath and I thought

found some of me and bear Awhh I had the biggest grin on my face when I saw him!
Some will be posted as well. Friday night we had a girls night went to the county fair and I have
to say I indulged in quit a few yummy salted lime iced double shot others triple shot of tequila margaritas!
Boy I had fun it was nice to have a girls night we talked laughed danced sang watched some
bull riding and shows the food was yummy in my tummy and reminisced about bear and
the other big bad men!
Saturday went out with my sister and cousins with some more friends hooka bar we went
the music was a change I enjoyed it! I swear I got so in to it I felt like I was in Pakistan
with Bear I almost got up and started looking for him. I remember sitting at the table and everything
went to the back of my mind everything went still I just saw bears face I sat and just was out of it

Mama Wilson xoxo