Hello there how are ya! I have had the
WORST week since this
DEPLOYMENT started. Uhhhggg I am not going to get into it because I chose not to "re-live the events." Although I did get to talk to bear for an hour and a half then another 15minutes (this was yesterday) This morning he woke me up at 7 for a 15 minute phone call then as I was getting my "sexy back on" at the gym in the middle of doing the elliptical he called and told me he loved me and missed me and can't wait to come home. And of course I started crying in the middle of the gym while my legs were still going! We talked for about 28 minutes then we got cut off so hopefully he will call back so I can hear his sexy country accent!
I LOVE YOU FOREST! Now update with the DOM we are about we have
46.2% left! I miss my man so much ughhh I can't wait to see his cute country ass! More than half way done and about 3 months left. Tomorrow I go and pick up my HUGE mug I can't wait to see the outcome of it. Update about the house we have everything painted the electrical is done hard wood floors come in soon so all in all that is coming together wonderfully the wedding is getting done little by little but surely I will have pictures up in another post. My diet is going well I am in a whole new set of numbers good for me I celebrated a little with some yummy chocolate cheese cake and can you say it knocked my socks off! This is somewhat of a random post so I am jumping all over the place with things to write excuse me for doing so. OH AND A HUGE THANK YOU THANK YOU TO SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY FOR HAVING ME OVER LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT PRETTY MAMACITA! And I can't forget to say HEYYYYY to my new readers! Another thing I am thinking about changing my hair color to blond again not sure yet if I want to or not?? Well that's all I have going on in my crazy head right now.! Since I have new readers please feel free to ask questions add comments anything please don't hesitate!
Love you my girls
Mama Wilson xoxo!
Please have a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in 9/11
R.I.P. you will never be forgotten just goes to show how Strong America came back
to fight those who caused us chaos. And for that I would like to say
" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under

God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."