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Kinda like lions and tigers and bears OH MY, in my case its the "boogeyman and the scary "guy in my closet!" Are you like me and love watching scary movies? Now, Im a big chicken but I LOVE getting the gee wilikers scared out of me! Ever since I was an itty bitty I would lock myself in my room and watch scary movies. Back then and even now lol I used to think if I hid under the covers nothing would happen to me! Also when I had to use the restroom or needed to go downstairs Id be to scared to step off the bed, so I would jump as far as I could from my bed and try to get as close I could to my door just to make sure the "boogey man" wouldnt grab me and drag me under with him! Ever since I was a little girl even now at 20 when I go to bed I have to have my door shut and my closet door has to be shut as well. Still sometimes think when Im alone that someone is waiting for me in my walk in closet (I know no one is there but still usurance right?) One day my sister and I and had couple friends over and had a sleepover. This must of been about 10 11 years ago, well we put a scary movie in everyone had popcorn candy sodas. You know the so amazingly healthy movie snacks! As we were getting in to the movie I was on the top part of my bunk bed and the rest of the girls were below cuddled up with one another, well about 10 minutes in to the movie we have all let an overly dramatic scream out by now, and all of a sudden we hear scratiching against the wall. No one really wanted to say anything we could tell by the look on eachothers faces kinda like "WHAT THE HELL, WHERE IS THAT COMING FROM KINDA LOOK." After a few more minutes went by everyone had focused back to the movie and for got about the scratching sound, not even 5 mintues later my aunt jumps out of the closet screaming. We all jump up and scream popcorn bowl flew to the opposite side of the room grease and butter everywhere candy all over the floor soda spilt on sleeping bags and now about 4 girls crying! Way to go auntie! After that "surprise act" we decided enough with the scary movies and to turn on cartoons and baby ourselves back to a normal heart rate! As I got older my freshmen year of Highschool a group of my friends and I went to Knotts Berry Farm but during the month of October it turns in to "Knotts scary Farm (put a creepy old mans voice while saying that)."
As soon as we walked through the gates my heart rate was pumpin my hands sweating my stomach in knots thinking what did I get myself in to?... As were walking through the park people left and right are dressed scary to a T. Jumping out of bushes and trees jumping out of no where pretty much, running with chainsaws, girls and boys running from these scary monsters! As we went through a maze I was holding on to one of my friends digging my nails in to his back crying "I dont want to go in I dont want to go in." My girlfriend drug me through the whole maze and as soon as we got out there was a HUGE group of clowns standing tormenting people. Now Im not the biggest fan of clowns they freak me out. I swear these clowns smelt fear and as soon as they saw me they came right toward me. I took off, hauling ass through the park, I got to a part of the park where they had games. I ran to one of the game booths hopped over the counter of the game and jumped on the guy gripping him to death. Security came over and told me to let him go or had to leave! The guy was nice enough to say "NO shes fine just scared!" After that best believe I called my mother to come pick me up! Wohhhh that was a lot was your heart rate up? Do you have stories like this, comment below or email me and be a guest blogger!

Always, ME