Hi my loves long time no talk. I know I kinda left you with a what the hell last post. I will get in to detail with that later.... in other postsss.... So anyways how are ya'll doing I missed you guys! lets just say I am freaking jumping out of my skin Bear will be home in less than a week! Its going to be homecoming galore wohoo!!!! I can't wait deployment is finally coming to an end and he can see me my new body I can't wait for homecoming night oh buy yummy yummy yummy! But most of all I can't wait to just lay next to him and smell him. I will have lots of pictures and a video to post for you all when time comes I promise! Now next my weight loss I lost a grand total of 30 pounds! BOOYAH!!! WOHOOO I FEEL AMAZING AND SEXY AND CONFIDENT! I can't wait for bear to lay his eyes on my lusciousness! Lets see what else oh yeah and my new car my cute little white car I am in love wit and he gets to see the new house! I have been cleaning like crazy lots of laundry setting up getting ready going on in the next few day its going to be insane! But baby I am ready bring it! Over this past week I was contacted by a photographer and she asked if I would do photos for her so of course I said hell yeah! The photos came out amazing I love love love them we set up a shoot for bear and I and boy oh boy am I excited for that! I will post some pictures of the shoot and the rest after Christmas because those are everyones Christmas presents lol! SO Its been amazing this past month just knowing he is on his way home to me and I get to spend Christmas with him I couldn't have asked for a better present thanks SANTA!!!! Bear and I are leaving at 1AM in the morning to fly to INDIANA I am meeting his family for the first time and I am ecstatic I love them this deployment has brought all of closer! I have a whole bunch of gifts I am taking plus a huge ass suitcase full of my crap... Then on the 2nd we leave Indiana but were not flying were driving his truck back... Can you say Road trip lol! I can't wait to see the memories we make!.... well I better get to bed I have a busy bust week ahead of me love you all so much I am glad to be back!
Love MAMA Wilson xoxo