Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The "Dont ask, Dont tell" policy, and Army Wives.
Posted by Unknown at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 30, 2012
Daddy Art my mother thinks of you often....
Posted by Unknown at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Diet Monday, will it last?
Posted by Unknown at 1:14 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Bullying, highschool fights., teen trends, and music?
I got girlies half naked that shit look like the grotto
How your waist anorexic and then your ass is colossal, whoop
Drop that ass make it boomerang
Take my belt off bitch I'm Pootie Tang
Tippy tow tippy tay you gonna get a tip today
Fuck that you gonna get some dick today
I walk in with my crew and I'm breaking they necks
I'm looking all good I'm making her wet
They pay me respect they pay me in checks
And if she look good she pay me in sex, do it
Bounce that ass it's the roundest
You the best you deserve a crown bitch
Right on that"
Posted by Unknown at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 28, 2012
BoogeyMan under my bed, scary guy in my closet?

Posted by Unknown at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 27, 2012
Military Wives Fight Back!
Posted by Unknown at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 16, 2012
A phone call and Cancer.
As you know bear is in New Zealand, he left the 9th and the first phone call I got was last Wensday and last night at 11 30 I got another call from him! I was dead asleep until I heard his voice. I popped up in bed started smiling and laughing, he sounded so good he was happy and just sounded full of life. I asked if he got any libbo time, he did yesterday and the day before. Oddly he said New Zealand looked like East coast meets Teneesse? But its pretty at night! I wondered how the heck does NEW ZEALAND look like that haha! He also said the people of New Zealand were very nice and welcoming. Down part is bears birthday along with my sisters is on Wensday the 18th. This will be the 4th birthday we miss together but comes along with the Military right! We will celebrate and pray he have a good day and then celebrate more when he comes home! Now in previous posts I mentioned I volunteer with the ACS (American Cancer Society) this will be my 6th year working with them. Cancer is a scary and awful thing to go through or to be connected to. Again in previous posts I said both my grandpa and dad have cancer as of now. Along with many other family memebers and friends have either had cancer or have been taken from us because of this illness. Yesterday my family(family also volunteers with the ACS)and I went to the V.F.W. to raise awarness and money for our relay. We had 2 stories brought to our attention while at the V.F.W.. We had a man of the age 27 stand before us sharing that when he was 13 he was diagnosed with cancer, 2 tumors on the top of his head. The Drs. that were working on him told him he had a .1 chance of living which means a 99.9 chance of dieing. As he went through his treatments he said the pain the throwing up the soars all that was just wrong and that no one should ever have to go through this. Well New Years day came and the Drs. came in and told him they have great news and greater news. One that he will be able to go home after being in the hospital for a year and 2 his blood test labs and everything came back negative he was finally cancer free, soon after he shared that with us he hit us with his wife dies of cancer 2 weeks after they got married. I couldn't imagine losing my S/O to such a sick thing. The 2nd story we had a little boy named Mario who was about 5 to 6 years of age. He was in his2nd remissioin and cancer free. He mentioned to his mom while in the hospital all he wanted to do was to learn to ride a bike. While in the middle of the fundraiser the host stopped and made Mario come to the center of the room to give him a gift. Everyone donated money for this little boy to have his dreams come true. They suprised him with a brand spankin new blue bike and helmet. Not a dry eye in the V.F.W. when he was presented with it. Mario ran to the back laughing and smiling he couldn't wait to get on his new wheels and start learning. We need to realize anyone can be diagnosed with this it affects everyone and we need to do what we can too help those in need. I help because of stories like that I help so I can see all the survivors take the first lap at the relay I help because I would want someone to help me. Please get involved or donate if you can very little makes a difference!
Posted by Unknown at 9:37 AM 0 comments