Monday, April 30, 2012

Diet Monday, will it last?

Today is Monday icky Monday, i start my diet or should I say my new "lifestyle." Now Im going to post my weight which is hard for me to do but, i think if I see it posted and know I have my readers behind me i know I can do this. My weight is ready.... Drum roll please.... 166.5!!!! My goodness where did my body go where are my collar boned where are my ribs??? I am very motivated to get in shape and healthy not only for myself but for my hubby and my life. Like I said I have a mass on my liver and cyts on my ovaries. With these health issues I have already its very important to not add anymore to my list! I want to be able to live a long life, I want to be able to run miles with bear, i want to at one point in my life (when I do have kids) be able to chase after my kids and sit on the floor and play with them! Today in society obesity rules the lives of alot of Americans and sad to say kids as well. We need to make a change to get everyone in a more healthy lifestyle, so they won't have heart problems, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, breathing problems and more. along with being on the heavier side people get judged! And its not fair, but I do understand there are people who have weight issues or are sick and czat drop the weight, nothing wrong with that. We just need to be a support group for eachother and cheering em' on! With that being said, daily work outs and new eating habbits will take place as they already have today! Who else is in this with me? If so comment, and every Monday Ill write a post about what has taken place during my week, and how much weight ive lost. my ultimate goal is to be at 125, you think I can do it?!!!!

 Always, ME!


Amelia said...

I think you can do anything you set your mind to, girl! I just hit my first month down of Weight Watchers (I have lost a little over 12 lbs) and when I first started I was really nervous too. We all know how important it is to be healthy and like how you look, but the idea of watching what you eat and working out regularly is really hard to wrap your mind around, if you're out of the habit...but if you stick with it you will definitely see good results! Good luck! If you need any ideas or anything let me know, I've found a few websites with some good recipes & fun stuff to do.

Unknown said...

Amelia, that is awesome congrats on your weight loss goals! I don't really have the problem of losing weight its just the eating habits and exercise! I love me some chocolate and southern fried foods (whichis made alot in my house hold!) But I dont have a problem eating salads fruits veggies etc... I love those foods and I get lazy lol! But I must motivate myself and do this for the best! If you can pass on those websites id love to look at them! Thanks again.
Always, ME