Well she is hosting a giveaway! She has reached 200 followers wohoo! I have read her blog for quit some time now (be sure to check her out). She always has something entertaining to talk about a big picker upper you can call her! Now in this giveaway she wanted us to post a comment about giving advice to those who are going to go through a deployment (well keep in mind that I am almost done with mine) So hear it is hope you enjoy it!

ladies!! Leaving loved one's is apart of military life it teaches us women to do things on our own. For instance fix the sink,take care of the house and kids, explain to a million people over again where your husband is without getting tears in your eyes,taking the car in to get fixed with out getting taken advantage of,hanging on the memory of his sweet smile,learn to love him MORE, and it will teach your strengths and weaknesses as days go but you will learn how to deal with them! My fiance deployed about 4 months ago and yes I am sad BUT, I was so ready for it to start I am confident strong and so happy for this deployment so I can get it over with! I bet your thinking I am crazy for saying I am so ready for this deployment to start because after this 7 month deployment I get to marry the love of my life! I play songs that remind me of us, I think of all the good times, I think about his goofy little smile and his cute ass!, I sleep with his Cammi jacket on my pillow even though it smells like sweat I don't care because its his scent that is my man that is the closest thing to my man I have while he is gone! Fill your day with a task and when its time to go to bed put on a comedy your favorite movie or just think of him and what you all will do when he get's back think how wonderful it will be think how amazing it will be to have him home again! There will be moments when you break down but promise you YOU WILL BE OKAY! I am here for you I love you like a sister and I know we don't know each other us Military spouse women have a bond like no ones business! I want you to smile and be happy and spend the last days you have with him cherish them take more pictures than you need and if you have to tell him you love him every other minute! But you have to trust that you will be okay you have to trust your self you have to believe in your self and in your husband! Have faith in everything you and him do!!! If your having a bad day turn the music up loud sing at the top of your lungs and cry if you want to if you have to scream then scream and if you have to break out and just laugh historically then do so! NEVER BE AFRAID OF YOURSELF PEOPLE OR MAKING SOME ONE MAD because if anyone has the right to be mad or upset its us! But I want you too realize your an incredible beautiful unbelievable strong women you will come to find out my love!
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