Alright so almost 3 months till bear comes home, and now that I have a trainer and getting my tight luscious body back I decided I should pamper myself and get me a new look for him homecoming!(Pictures are posted as you can see please vote for the one you like and help me decide!!!) I am going for a pinup style but make it modern day look! I am so so so super excited for this. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me for the first time in 7 months! I meet with my trainer tomorrow at 1 pm again! I feel so good and more confident. I wake up feeling great in a better mood I don't snack on all the yummy in my tummy foods anymore I go for healthier choices that boost my energy! OH BOY talking about it gets me feeling like I am on top of the world! I will soon do a before my trainer post an then a before and after post once I am done with shedding this weight!
I can only imagine what will run through his head! Hopefully it will run wild and overly happy! I hope he will be proud of me for doing this! And what will he say when he asks why I kept this a secret he hates surprises but I have a feeling he will let this one slide! My hair is getting long and healthy my goal is to let it grow to my butt. My nails look FABULOUS my teeth are going to get whitened soon, my make up is all new.... Goodness it feels good to do something for yourself every once in a GREAT WHILE!
So I urge you ladies to go out and do something for yourself weather it be getting a new haircut redoing your room or hiring a personal trainer. We as women deserve the best we are the queens in this wold. We have come a long way with rights fashion jobs and many more things in this world. Appreciate yourself take care of yourself DO NOT LOSE YOURSELF. Put on that little black dress get some friends and sip on a glass of wine. Laugh your heart out be daring and put some black eye shadow on instead of the light pink shimmer put some red lipstick on instead of just chap stick let your hair down and whip around let it be wild or how about go and rent your dream car for the day go shopping ad just feel like you are on top of the world for a change make your self feel like you are unstoppable!
I love all of you girls (my blog followers) you all are amazing in your own way believe it and don't let anyone tell you different. You are strong independent deserving women. Do for yourself at times and DON"T LET ANY MAN tell you different or bring you down as a person. Stand up for your self love your self.
forever proud forever faithful

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