Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What would you do?

Have you ever seen the show what would you do?
If not here is a little insight, its a t.v. show where they
test peoples judgement in certain situations!
For example if a babysitter had the child they were caring for in
public was yelling at them and holding there wrist tighhtly
would you step in and say something or, just keep walking?
Well yesterday I was in a shopping center sitting people watching, don't
you love people watching! Back to the story I saw a boy walk by
couldn't be any younger than 16 i'd say, minding his own beeswax! The boy
was wearing orange shorts, a black shirt, green jacket, high blue
socks, with tennis shoes on. Me personally I don't care if
happy and comfy that's all that matters! Well as he was walking I was
watching a group of teens looking laughing and pointing at him. I
became heated over this and inraged then I felt sorry for
this boy. I sat for mintue and thought to myself
"they don't know him, what if thats all he has?,the boy is probably a
great kid, should I stand up and say something or sit and hush up?"
The boy acted like he didn't hear what they were syaing or
pretended he didnt see the pointing. At this point I built
the courage up to say something but as soon as I was walking towards them they scattered, the boy just stood looking at me I asked if he was okay
he smiled and said yes then we both went our seperate ways.
Now as much as I Hate to say this I have been
one of those "teens" and I kick myself for being so, all we can do
is learn from our immaturity.This brings me back to my title
"what would you do" would you say something or would you stay quiet? Have
you ever done something like this if so I would love to hear the
responses. We need to remember others feelings we need to
think before we speak. Instead of bringing someone down how about being
a friend or saying how do you do today? Society
today is to stuck on "t.v. and the internet" to stuck in the "cool
Stay true to who you are your perfect the way you are and you should never
be anyone your not! Remember that!

Always me. xoxo