Monday, May 10, 2010

military vs. prison!

This morning I was watching A show called "lock down total control"! As it got heavier in the show I realized what the hell this isn't right. Meaning why the eff do "PRISONERS" get TREATED A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN OUR MILITARY? I am very up set and offended some what that our government let alone the American people let this happen... Well my points are to this military vs. prison is

1.Military men and women have to dry hang there cammis boots socks undergarments etc. out in the dirt and rain hopefully they will become somewhat fresher but, the prisoners get clean laundry almost every other day!

2. Military men and women get a shower if there ever so lucky every few weeks! But again, the prisoners get showers clean soap fresh towels hot water everyday.

3. Meal time! Military men and women get m.r.e. {meals ready to eat} meaning the food is processed powder broken down packaged tummy hurtin mud butt (you get the runs!}food. And in all honesty I wouldn't even call it food! But our "lovely" prisoners get 3 hot meals everyday.

4.Phone calls and letters! Military men and women get theme every so weeks or when they are allowed and putting at least 20 cents in per minute! But again the "heroic" prisoners get phone calls just about everyday mail everyday!! Prisoners get family and friend visits weekly is that right for there bad behavior know its not... But us military spouses and military men and women have to go anywhere from 6 months to 15 months to 2 years without seeing them feeling them or looking each other eye to eye! The closest thing we have to seeing them or them seeing us is a picture a voice mail or a simple shirt that smells like them.

6.Sleep time. Prisoners have there own room sink and toilet oh yeah and to for get the bed! Now I know they have to be segregated but still cmon really? Fresh new sheets pillow cases blankets. Military men and omen sleep in or on top of trucks in the dirt where ever they are told and sometimes they don't even get sleep for days!

7.entertainment! Prisoners have games tv's cards basketball a gym videos DVD magazines etc. The military men and women have to find stuff to entertain them for example a scorpion crawling on the ground making a ball from clothes making there own cards etc. Don't get me wrong they have things people send them but its the point I'am trying to make!

I can go on but I think you all get the point opinions or comments would be nice!