Tuesday, March 16, 2010

hello everyone. Today has been a lazy day for me. Yesterday my fiance and i spent the day together it was fun but ended to soon. on this fine morning he left for 3 weeks with no contact at all errrrrr i say to him.... these next few weeks are going to be hellish he deploys in about 6 week for 6 months too a year! I was telling him last night you stay here and i go he would reply to me no beautiful. i would then ask him let me take a walk in your boots so you can relax as he replied no baby. so i said no more as the night ended he went back to base and i layed in bed thinking of wishes as i was thinking these wishes i decided to write them down!
i wish you didnt have to go
i wish you could just stay with me
i wish you could lay with me all day
i wish i could take a waik in your combat boots so you can have a day to yourself
i wish i could take all the pain and heart ake away
i wish i could see your blue eyes every morning
i wish i could see your smile or haer your laugh on a daily bases
i wish for this deployment to go by quick and easy
i wish for you to dream of me while your gone as i will always dream of you
i wish for you to stay strong and keep your head up
i wish for you not to cry but if you do make sure there tears of happiness
i wish for you to think of the memories we made together
i wish for you to think about comming home
i wish for you to close your eyes and see me there with you
i wish for you to get everything you want in life
i wish for you to come home safe no matter how long it takes

iam wrighting this to you with no lies in these words. iam wrighting this to you because iam proud of you. iam wrighting this to you because your an honorable man a brave man a strong willing man. iam proud to call you MY MARINE! iam proud to say ill be here in th end to fight and protect you. and iam here to tell you i love you gary ray wilson ill be here by yourside through thick and thin. i love you bear keep the great work up!